Wednesday, May 19, 2010


If you've come here in hopes of learning to pull a bunny out of your hat or finding some magic tricks to wow your friends with at your next dinner party, you've been misdirected. The hat trick I'm referring to here is actually the multi-faceted job of the Educational Technologist. Through this blog, I hope to take my current understanding of the profession and pare it down into something a bit more concrete (if I can). I'll be drawing on my own experience, sharing insight from my university class, checking out journals, and conducting some interviews with the pros. So if you are as stumped as I am by the question "What exactly does it mean to be an educational technologist?", then read on to be enlightened!


1 comment:

  1. You already know how much I like this topic, Carmen! The simple truth is that Educational Technology is a field that opens up a wide range of possibility for practitioners. You can end up doing so many things, and sometimes struggle with what is your identity... and even when are you doing things that you never expected to find yourself doing. At the risk of being immodest, Jay and I just published (literally 2 weeks ago) an article that looked at the roles that instructional designers play in their positions. Have a look if you're interested:
